Wednesday 12 February 2014

Sunderland Air Show

Another shoot that I've been meaning to use was taken at Sunderland Air Show last summer. I've only chosen to paint two of the images. In the first I've tried to convey the movement of the Vulcan as it flies in from the coast and swoops round over the beach. It's a stunning sight as the force of the massive plane can be felt by everyone on the ground.

In the second image a figure in the foreground stoops to photograph one the planes from the Red Arrow display team. A contrast can be seen between the impressive mechnics of the machine and the everyday houses and buildings of the seafront. Most of the colour focus is on the red of the plane but some abstraction has been introduced in the sky. I'd like to continue adjusting the colour palette in the next few works.

#16 Vulcan Approach, Sunderland Air Show

#17 Red Arrow, Sunderland Air Show

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